
Learn about the region's transportation projects

The TIP documents transportation projects that request federal funds or have major impacts. 

Each tab in the menu above is a tool to help you access information or to provide input:

1.    To view and download published documents >> document library

    To use interactive tools to generate information >> search TIP

    To view projects on a map >> map

    To Submit a public comment >> public commenting

5.  To manage your projects >> Admin

What is the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB)?

The BRTB is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Baltimore region.  As an MPO, the BRTB is directly responsible for making sure that any money spent on existing and future transportation projects and programs is based on a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3-C) planning process. All transportation projects and programs that receive federal funding in our region go through this planning process.  The Baltimore Metropolitan Council provides staff to the BRTB. 

What is a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)?

The TIP is a financially constrained short-range, four-year document that  lists the most immediate implementation priorities for surface transportation  projects that intend to use federal, state, and other government funds.  Expansion Projects listed in the TIP come from the long-range transportation plan,  which  details projected initiatives for the next 20-plus years.  The TIP is required by FHWA and FTA for the allocation and implementation of federal transportation funds. 

The TIP and Public Participation

Transportation planning affects everyone - whether you're a driver, pedestrian, cyclist or transit rider.  Federal laws set the framework for involving the public to participate in transportation planning, a step which the BRTB both welcomes and takes seriously.  The BRTB's Public Involvement Plan (PIP) details how those who desire to participate in the process of creating the TIP may do so.  The BRTB holds 30-day public comment periods and public meetings during the development of the TIP and for additional amendments to the document.  The Public Involvement Coordinator also breaks down complicated subject matter for easier public consumption through various communication materials.  

Contact for more information

Keith Kucharek, Transportation Planner 
kkucharek@baltometro.org or 410-732-0500 x1052